
    When it comes to attracting business clients to your firm, a well-designed website is a must.

    Not only does your firm’s website need to demonstrate your deep understanding of business law, but it needs to make it easy for potential clients to contact you. Above all, your website should have a unique design that sets it apart from the competition. Here are six of the best website designs for business law firms and tips on how to get a great business lawyer website design for your firm.

    6 Best Business Law Firm Websites

    1. Miller Law

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    Strengths: The Miller Law website is a modern example of a business lawyer website design that uses bold colors and simple graphics for a sleek look. The chess pieces and slogan speak to clients’ need for a strategic firm in business litigation issues. Other ways the site’s design sets this business law firm apart:

    • The use of negative space, high-contrast colors in headers, and representative icons make finding important information simple.
    • A gallery of successful case studies is formatted so that the important information is front and center. The page itself adds to the firm’s credibility.
    • A search tool at the top and bottom of each page makes it easy for potential clients to find the exact information they’re looking for, which is essential for a good user experience.

    Key Takeaway: Your website should be easy for clients to navigate and find key information. A search function, high-contrast headers, bullet points, and firm contact information make it easy for potential clients to scan your site and decide whether your business is the right fit for them.

    2. Massingill Attorneys and Counselors at Law

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    Strengths: The Massingill website’s clean, modern look is striking and effectively conveys its primary message in the heading—that this firm makes legal issues surrounding business formation and litigation simple. The site’s design stands out in a few other ways:

    • With three contact links and a chat box on the home page, this site design makes it easy for potential clients to reach out.
    • On the homepage, Icons with short descriptive text spell out what makes this firm different in a scannable, easy-to-digest way.
    • Five-star Google reviews from former clients builds trust for potential clients. Service-based businesses should always try to showcase testimonials on their website.

    Key Takeaway: The importance of posting client testimonials and Google reviews cannot be overstated. Since 93% of consumers say online reviews influence their buying decisions, it’s a critical tool for attracting new business. For this reason, you’ll want to place client reviews in prominent places throughout your website.

    3. Becker International Law

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    Strengths: The map graphic, headline, and use of bilingual text communicate in an instant the international nature of this business law firm. Here are a few additional points that differentiate this site from others:

    • The site is clear about who its clients are by referring to them (international entrepreneurs, investors, and global families) at the top of the page.
    • An email newsletter sign-up form creates a funnel of warm leads and a way to stay in front of potential clients on a regular basis.
    • A resource page with a variety of media, like blogs and videos, answers key client questions and helps boost site SEO.

    Key Takeaway: Email sign-up forms are a great tool to implement on your site. They help you get client leads who may not be ready to make a decision today, but whom you can nurture to make a decision down the road. Whether you capture emails via a newsletter sign-up form, through gated downloadable content, or both, it’s a key pipeline in your overall legal marketing strategy.

    4. BrewerLong

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    Strengths: The home page for the BrewerLong business law website is a feast for the eyes. Easy-to-scan content, easy-on-the-eyes colors, and engaging graphics make this site stand out from other business law firm sites. Here are a few highlights:

    • The header graphic is angled downward like an arrow, encouraging website visitors to scroll down the page and discover more about the firm.
    • An interactive and dynamic roadmap graphic spells out key services the firm provides at every stage of business formation, growth, and closure.
    • A community service and engagement page featuring a firm-sponsored scholarship helps build client affinity and boosts site SEO.

    Key Takeaway: Offering a scholarship through your website is a great way to juice your website’s organic search performance. When you register your scholarship on university websites, they will typically link from their .edu websites back to your firm’s site. This is called a backlink, and it’s a signal to Google on the authority of your site’s content. Getting a backlink from a .edu website is a strong authority signal and can boost your search rank.

    5. The Curley Law Firm

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    Strengths: The Curley Law Firm website has stellar SEO. They hit on all cylinders, from the on-page content to the keyword-focused metadata. Other design elements of note:

    • A great business law website will make it simple for their clients to reach out to them, and Curley Law Firm uses multiple calls-to-action with buttons and forms in different places across the page to remind their client that help is just a click away. 
    • There are logos from notable legal associations and groups high on the home page that add prestige. You always want to make a good impression on a client so they know you’re capable of taking on their case.
    • This law firm improves the site’s SEO performance with an up-to-date blog with lots of “how-to” articles. A blog can also demonstrate how your firm can potentially help a client.

    Key Takeaway: Never underestimate the value of strong SEO. In the competitive world of business law, you have to rise to the top through organic search or face paying high prices for pay-per-click advertising. Google ranks websites that offer better value to site visitors higher than sites that merely stuff their pages full of keywords. But good SEO is more technically complex than that. That’s why we recommend hiring SEO experts who know all the ins and outs of how to get law firm websites to rank.

    6. Brewers’ Law

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    Strengths: Does your business law practice focus on a particular industry? If so, consider taking a page from the Brewers’ Law playbook. They make their business lawyer website design distinct by using images, fonts, and wording that speak to the craft alcohol industry, their particular area of focus. Consider some of the other strengths of this website design:

    • The home page lists three succinctly stated goals for the practice, making it easy for website visitors to know what to expect from this firm at a glance.
    • The blog is not only SEO optimized, but it stays current with breaking industry news that may affect clients’ businesses, which will keep them ranking on Google.
    • A robust “Resources” section not only answers common questions but serves as a rich opportunity for netting strong backlinks from other sites that will repost their content.

    Key Takeaway: A consistently updated and well-planned blog is crucial for staying on top of the SEO game. If you want to outshine your competition, you need to provide valuable content to your website visitors. While it can be a challenge to write and publish meaningful, search-engine-optimized content on your blog on a consistent basis, there’s hope. Experienced legal content-writing services like Juris Digital can manage the planning, writing, and optimization of your website’s blog, and more.

    How to Get a Great Business Law Firm Website

    Competition in the world of business law is fierce. You’re not up against just other law firms but do-it-yourself business formation platforms like LegalZoom, too. To win new clients, you need a website that stands out from the rest and offers a clear value to potential clients. Here are four tips on how to get a great business law website for your practice. 

    1. Use a Design That Adds Value

    Your law firm website should create an affinity between your clients and your practice through the graphics, font, and layout that you choose. But a good-looking website only gets you so far. A good business lawyer website should communicate the most important information clearly and prominently on every page of your website, including what your firm can do for your clients and how to contact you.

    2. Respond to Your Clients’ Biggest Needs

    The greatest value your website gives you is the chance to answer potential clients’ most pressing questions. By incorporating bulleted information that is easy to digest on your home page and using search-engine-optimized blog content, you can give your clients what they need in both skimmable and long-form content. It also adds value to your site when it comes to organic search rank since Google gives better rankings to websites with user-friendly, authoritative content. 

    3. Let Your Client Reviews Shine

    People value testimonials when shopping online. This counts for shopping for a good business attorney too. Client testimonials and Google reviews are the closest thing potential clients have to a word-of-mouth recommendation. They carry a lot of weight when it comes to making a decision to hire an attorney. Put your client testimonials and reviews in a prominent location on your home page and include them on each page of your website. 

    The website is awesome and the process was painless. I was blown away by their initial presentation, hired them immediately, and never looked back. I trust Juris Digital to manage my online presence.

    Attorney Joshua Massingil

    4. Hire a Professional Website Developer

    Not every business law firm website is, or should be, the same. With so many options for business formation and litigation services, you need a website that gives potential clients a valuable and memorable experience and is optimized to rank well on Google search.

    To get the best website for your business law firm, you should work with a legal marketing agency that knows the ins and outs of business law and has deep experience creating websites that win new referrals and clients.Juris Digital has more than a decade of experience creating websites for law firms that drive new client leads and rank well on search engines. Our digital marketing services also include SEO content creation from a team of writers with strong legal experience. Check out our full range of website design and digital marketing services, and schedule a free consultation today.

    Paul Kragthorpe Paul Kragthorpe is a Web Developer that isn’t afraid to try new things when it comes to development. Mostly focused on WordPress, he makes sure all our client website needs are met and exceeded. Having worked with internet marketing agencies since 2011, he knows how important a well-developed website can be for a client’s SEO needs. An Air Force Veteran of 8.5 years, Paul enjoys spending his time with his family at the beach, playing games, and watching sporting events.
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