When the founder of Vantage Group Legal Services – Kam Moeinzadeh, Esq. – was faced with the challenge of growing his young business while simultaneously attending to the day-to-day operations, he decided that he needed help.
We wanted to establish a reliable long-term relationship… so that we could focus on the work that we wanted to focus on as a startup.
“Prior to engaging with Juris Digital we had a very limited exposure. We had hired an individual to put together a website for us. Most of the SEO work that we did was actually done in house. Not that we really knew what we were doing in any meaningful way.”
— Attorney Kam Moeinzadeh
Kam decided that in order to achieve his growth goals, he needed to bring on a partner who could not only execute the necessary work but also provide strategic guidance and insights into what channels would be most effective for his specific business model and clientele.
At the time that we reached out to you guys when we were a startup, my team and I, we were going a mile a minute.
“Marketing and focusing on our growth was such a big component that if we didn’t have the right people helping us out with it, there’s no way we wouldn’t be able to accomplish the goals that we wanted in a short period of time as we did with you guys.”
— Attorney Kam Moeinzadeh
When Kam began to interview potential digital marketing partners, he quickly experienced what many attorneys do: He didn’t know who he could trust. Unlike buying a new pair of sneakers or a laptop, deciding on who to hire to help grow your law firm is a high-stakes choice. For Kam Juris Digital became the clear choice because of our honest and tempered promise-making.
He understood how our business worked before made any proposals for us.
“Most of those that we spoke with made a lot of promises, but didn’t give us too many details on how we’re gonna accomplish those goals. With Juris, when we first reached out, the individual that I spoke with was very knowledgeable. He took the time to hear our concerns and what our objectives specifically were. ”
— Attorney Kam Moeinzadeh
Once Kam pulled the trigger and decided to partner with us, we immediately got to work on his account. For us, the first 100 days of any new campaign are absolutely essential, not only for laying the foundation of a successful digital marketing campaign but for setting the tone for our working relationship with the client and gaining their absolute trust that we are the right team for the job.
There was really no lapse in communication in that transition
What was a big vote of confidence is the handoff from sales to the team that was originally handling our account. There was really no lapse in communication in that transition.
— Attorney Kam Moeinzadeh

As we began our work, we knew that Kam’s top priority was to gain exposure to folks looking for help with foreclosure defense in the Chicago area. We designed our initial 100-day efforts to ensure that this objective would be pursued vigorously.
We not only met that schedule, but we actually got there sooner than we expected
“The first objective that was met right on a dot was the push for getting us ranked for foreclosure defense services in our jurisdiction. When we started we had absolutely no exposure. We had no presence. And given that we’re a young company, we figured it was gonna be difficult for us to be able to rank number one or in top five, even, within a short amount of time, considering our competitors have been around much longer than us. But your team advised me that it should be possible within the timeframe – I think it was about six months or eight months, the timeframe originally. We not only met that schedule, but we actually got there sooner than we expected because the way that you guys approached it.”
— Attorney Kam Moeinzadeh

As our work with Kam progressed, we were able to help him expand into additional service areas, such as immigration and family law. We have achieved high search rankings for terms that generate highly qualified leads in these areas by deploying strategic, data-informed content marketing.

As we continue to have the opportunity to work with Kam our focus is on working collaboratively to identify and expand into profitable areas. By maintaining an open dialogue, we’ve continually deployed various digital marketing tactics – from SEO-based content marketing to Google Maps optimization to Google Local Service and PPC ads – to move the needle for Vantage Group Legal Services.
This was a holistic approach to growing a company from a startup stage to a small company stage, and then beyond.
“Since we started Juris – I can’t stress this enough – this wasn’t just a marketing endeavor. This was a holistic approach to growing a company from a startup stage to a small company stage, and then beyond. What you guys allowed us to do is to really understand what works within our market. We’ve experimented with multiple different avenues to expand our reach, get the word out and generate traffic. It wasn’t just organic, but we also did a lot of paid campaigns with Juris so that multifaceted approach allowed us to really fine tune and test what the market responded to the best for us. As we continue to further refine those variables it’s becoming a lot clearer for us how and where this company is gonna be in a year or two or five from now. So it’s not just an arm of marketing. This was a holistic approach that gave me as the owner a much clearer picture of how we’re gonna drive our growth and how we’re gonna really expand our presence in the short and medium and long-term future.”
— Attorney Kam Moeinzadeh
It’s probably clear by now that we believe successful digital marketing is not possible without collaborating with our clients toward a common, understood goal. This approach is part of what has made our work with Kam and his business so successful. To another law firm considering making an investment in marketing, Kam offers this advice:
The best endorsement I can give is to say that you guys have stuck with your word from beginning.
“Before you even look at hiring anybody is to do some soul searching and to really understand what your objectives are – to really understand where you at now and where do you want to be. That’s why I think Juris is the right choice. When somebody approaches you and says, this is what I want, this is where I’m at, you guys, as you did with us, provide a solution as to how to bridge that gap, how to get there, within the timeframe that they would require. As far as others are concerned the best endorsement I can give is to say that you guys have stuck with your word from beginning“.