
    If you’re a Get Noticed Get Found (GNGF) client, you’ve likely heard the news: Get Noticed Get Found has been acquired by Scorpion.

    This development has left many law firm owners wondering about their next steps and their options (we know because we have had several calls this week alone!)

    As someone who’s helped hundreds of law firms optimize build digital marketing strategies that sign high value cases consistently, I want to break down what this means for you and explore your options moving forward.

    But first, let’s address the elephant in the room.

    Some GNGF clients have reported receiving notice that their options are limited to either signing up with Scorpion or leaving.

    This kind of ultimatum can feel restrictive, especially when you’re trying to make the best decision for your firm’s future.

    But before we dive into alternatives, let’s examine why some firms might be hesitant about transitioning to Scorpion.

    Understanding Scorpion’s Approach

    Scorpion has built a reputation in the legal marketing space, primarily focusing on paid search.

    However, several issues have consistently cropped up in our conversations with former Scorpion clients. Below is a list of the most common ones we hear on a monthly basis. All of these were taken from actual conversations with current Scorpion clients.

    1. Proprietary Website Design: While Scorpion’s websites often look sleek, they’re built on a proprietary platform. This means if you decide to leave, you can’t easily take your site with you or edit it using common platforms like WordPress. This lock-in effect can make transitions difficult and costly.
    2. Lack of Keyword Transparency: Many firms report not having access to detailed data about which keywords are driving conversions and bringing in their best cases. This lack of transparency makes it challenging to optimize your marketing spend effectively.
    3. Limited SEO Focus: Scorpion’s primary focus tends to be on paid advertising. While they may offer some SEO services, many firms find these to be basic or rudimentary compared to agencies specializing in organic search.

      Now there is nothing wrong with paid, but Google has been getting greedy and there is no end to spending ad dollars if you rely solely on this strategy.
    4. Long-Term Contracts: Scorpion often requires long-term commitments, which can be difficult to break if you’re unsatisfied with the results.
    5. High costs without ROI: Clients often feel they’re paying too much without seeing a return on investment.
    6. Misleading or inflated reporting: Scorpion counts irrelevant leads (e.g., wrong calls) as valid, inflating lead numbers.
    7. Low lead quality: Clients report a high volume of unqualified leads that don’t convert into cases.
    8. Poor SEO performance: Websites frequently rank low in search results despite marketing efforts.
    9. Lack of website ownership: Clients don’t own their websites, which are built on Scorpion’s proprietary platform, creating difficulties in switching providers.
    10. Limited control over content: Clients find it hard to make changes to their website content without going through Scorpion.
    11. Communication issues: Difficulty reaching knowledgeable representatives, often only speaking with the assigned account manager.
    12. Inexperienced account managers: Concerns about being assigned junior account managers with little experience.
    13. Slow response times: Complaints about delayed responses to urgent or time-sensitive case opportunities.
    14. Lack of transparency: Unclear on how ad spend is managed and where the money is going.
    15. Not enough new cases: Clients don’t feel they are getting sufficient new cases despite the high marketing spend.
    16. Inability to compete with larger firms: Difficulty competing against big firms, like Morgan & Morgan, with large advertising budgets.
    17. Lack of personalized strategies: Feeling that Scorpion’s marketing strategies are too cookie-cutter and not tailored to their specific needs.

    Options for GNGF Clients Who Don’t Want to Work with Scorpion

    Now that we’ve outlined some concerns, let’s talk about your options:

    1. Evaluate Before You Sign: If you haven’t signed a contract with Scorpion yet, pause.

      Take the time to thoroughly evaluate your options. Once you’re locked into a long-term agreement, it can be challenging and potentially costly to exit.

      I have not seen an attorney successfully terminate a Scorpion contract for a few years now.
    2. Assess Your Current Marketing Performance: Before making any decisions, take a hard look at your current marketing metrics.

      Are you satisfied with your return on investment?

      Are you getting the types of cases you want?

      Understanding your baseline will help you make a more informed decision.
    3. Consider Alternative Agencies: There are numerous digital marketing agencies specializing in law firm marketing.

      Look for ones that offer:
      • Results tied to your business goals (tacking case sign ups vs. useless metrics)
      • Transparency in reporting and keyword data
      • Flexibility in contracts
      • A balanced approach to paid and organic search
      • Customizable strategies tailored to your firm’s specific goals
    4. Explore Building Your Own Marketing Team: While this option requires more upfront investment, it gives you complete control over your marketing strategy and data.
    5. Hybrid Approach: Some firms find success in combining in-house efforts with specialized agency support for complex tasks like technical SEO or PPC management.

    At Juris Digital, we’ve helped many law firms navigate similar transitions.

    Our approach focuses on transparency, customization, and a deep understanding of the legal industry.

    We believe in providing our clients with detailed insights into their marketing performance, allowing them to make data-driven decisions about their growth strategies.

    For a more comprehensive look at how Scorpion’s approach compares to other options in the legal marketing landscape, check out our detailed Scorpion Marketing Review for Law Firms.

    What To Do Next?

    If you’re considering switching from Scorpion, you’re not alone. Many law firms have found themselves tangled in a web of high costs, low ROI, and marketing promises that fall flat.

    But here’s the truth: Your firm’s success shouldn’t be a guessing game.

    Imagine a world where:

    • You know exactly where every marketing dollar goes
    • Your website ranks high in search results, bringing in qualified leads
    • You’re not just chasing after any case, but signing the ones you really want
    • Your marketing strategy is as unique as your firm, not a one-size-fits-all approach

    Sounds too good to be true? It’s not. It’s what we do every day at Juris Digital.

    Here’s our offer to you: A free 40-minute strategy session with our experts. No strings attached. No cookie-cutter plans.

    In this session, we’ll:

    1. Listen to your specific growth goals. If you want 10 MVA cases a month within 6 months? Tell us.
    2. We will craft a customized plan based on your objectives.
    3. Show you a forecast model that maps out how we’ll achieve those results.

    Why choose Juris Digital?

    • Transparency is our middle name. You’ll always know where your money is going and what results it’s bringing.
    • We believe in sustainable growth. No more reliance on a single strategy that will drain your budget.
    • Your website, your rules. We build on platforms you can take with you.
    • Real experts, real conversations. No more junior account managers or unanswered calls.
    • Tailored strategies for your firm. Because your practice isn’t like everyone else’s.

    Don’t let another day go by wondering if your marketing is working. Don’t waste another dollar on strategies that don’t deliver.

    Take control of your firm’s future today. Book your free strategy session now and let’s craft a plan that turns your growth goals into reality.

    Click here to schedule your free 40-minute strategy session. Your best cases are out there – let’s go get them together.

    P.S. Still on the fence? Remember, this strategy session is completely free and comes with no obligations.



    Casey Meraz Casey Meraz is an entrepreneur, SEO expert, investor, creator, husband, father, friend, and CEO of Juris Digital. Casey is a frequent speaker at industry events and the author of two books on digital marketing, including "Local Marketing for Personal Injury Lawyers" and “How to Perform the Ultimate Local SEO Audit”
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