We at Juris Digital are outraged by the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, David McAtee, and the larger pattern of police brutality and white supremacist violence in America.
These people were sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and friends. They were people. They deserved to live. Their lives mattered.
At Juris Digital we recognize that white supremacy and systemic racism are real. These forces produce police brutality towards – and extra-judicial killing of – black people and other people of color in America at disproportionate rates.
Juris Digital stands on the side of those demanding justice for the victims of police brutality, and an end to deadly white supremacy. Juris Digital believes that Black Lives Matter.
By making our position clear, we hope that others will join us in taking meaningful action to end police brutality and systemic racism in America. Here’s what we’re doing right now:
- We’re making a $2,000 donation to Campaign Zero.
- We’re making a $2,000 donation to the National Bail Funds Network.
- We’re making a $500 donation to the The Okra Project.
Despite the recent horrific injustices, we remain hopeful, because we must.
We believe that racist policies can be vanquished from this country, and racist ideas from the minds of her people.
We stand with those who fight to secure for all people that essential American promise of equal justice under the law.