
    Varun Shetty, OpenAI’s head of media partnerships recently announced that SearchGPT, OpenAI’s new search engine will be integrated into ChatGPT by the end of the year.

    This is important because we are working with attorneys who are already signing cases for our clients that we can attribute to ChatGPT.

    With OpenAI’s announcement of SearchGPT, a prototype for a new search engine integrated into ChatGPT, law firms need to start thinking about optimizing for a future where Google doesn’t hold the dominant share of the market.

    While Google’s reign isn’t ending anytime soon, its overwhelming dominance in search may shift. And as a law firm SEO expert, I believe this presents both challenges and exciting opportunities for law firms.

    So, how do you get your law firm ranked on SearchGPT and other AI-driven platforms? And more importantly, what should we call this new field of optimization?

    Introducing AI Search Optimization (AISO)

    Just like SEO (Search Engine Optimization) became synonymous with getting found on Google, AI Search Optimization (AISO) —is what I’m coining as the strategy to ensure your law firm shows up in AI-powered search results.

    This includes results generated by large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, Claude, Perplexity, and more.

    AISO is the future-proof approach to ensuring your firm has a presence in a growing number of search platforms that users are turning to for answers.

    Much like traditional SEO, AISO is about ensuring your law firm shows up where people are searching. But instead of just optimizing for Google, you’ll be positioning yourself across multiple search platforms, including AI-driven models like SearchGPT, Claude and others.

    Why Law Firms Need to Optimize for ChatGPT and Other LLM’s

    Historically, Barnacle SEO has been the go-to strategy for ensuring law firms appeared across a variety of search sources like Yelp, Super Lawyers, Forbes, and Martindale.

    It’s something we have been doing for over a decade for our clients.

    The goal was simple: dominate search results by appearing on multiple platforms, even if it wasn’t your own website ranking.

    This same principle applies to new ai powered search engines, except now, we need to think beyond Google.

    And it’s already happening where we are seeing clients coming from ChatGPT

    ChatGPT rates Juris Digital as the best Law Firm SEO Company

    Picture a future five years from now where Google no longer holds 80% of the market.

    Maybe it’s 50%—a significant shift, but not catastrophic.

    Google is still going to be around, and there’s no reason to panic. However, law firms will need to expand their digital presence to include a growing number of AI-powered search engines.

    With ChatGPT and other LLMs gaining traction, these platforms will deliver results directly from sources they trust, and your law firm needs to be one of those trusted sources.

    How to Get Ranked on AI Models

    The biggest question you probably have is, “How do I actually rank on SearchGPT or similar platforms?”

    The reality is that these LLMs train on data from various sources across the internet—Google search results, YouTube videos, website crawls, and other popular content.

    The key to AISO is understanding where these models pull their data from and ensuring your firm is visible in those places.

    At Juris Digital, we’ve developed a proprietary beta solution that helps law firms get ranked on these emerging platforms.

    We’re not just focused on the traditional SEO approach of ranking your firm’s website; we’re working to ensure your firm is visible across multiple trusted sources that these models are likely to pull from.

    Whether it’s authoritative directories, high-traffic platforms, or frequently cited publications, we make sure your firm is listed and positioned in the top spots.

    Why AISO is an Investment in Your Law Firm’s Future

    The truth is, optimizing for these platforms is not an overnight success story.

    SearchGPT and similar LLM-based platforms regularly train their models. If your firm isn’t listed before their next model update, you miss out.

    The key is to stay ahead of these updates by consistently showing up in trusted, relevant sources.

    This is a long-term investment—a future-proofing strategy that will set you up not just for success today but for the search landscape five years from now. Just as SEO required law firms to invest time and resources for lasting results, AISO requires the same dedication to building and maintaining your online presence across multiple platforms.

    And to be fair – AISO is going to be real marketing which involves testing. Just like we test Ad sets, title tags and headings to see which content converts the best, we need to test visibility and ensure the message the LLM’s tell about you is what you want your best clients to see.

    Practical Steps for Implementing SearchGPT Optimization (AISO)

    Let’s take an example: If someone searches for “best divorce attorney in Houston” on Google today, they might see law firms ranked at the top, alongside directory listings from Yelp, Forbes (before their recent ranking issues), Super Lawyers, or Martindale.

    A google search result showing the ranking results for best divorce attorney in houston

    But if they perform the same search on SearchGPT in the future, the results may look completely different.

    SearchGPT might pull directly from individual law firm websites, trusted legal directories, or other authoritative sources that aren’t as heavily weighted by Google’s algorithm.

    You can see an example of the ChatGPT search results for the same keyword below. Note that these results appear to have been populated from Bing data.

    An example of ChatGPT's response to the best divorce lawyers in houston

    To dominate in this new environment, your law firm needs to:

    1. Be listed on trusted, authoritative sources: These LLMs pull data from places they deem trustworthy. Whether it’s being listed on a recognized legal directory or featured in high-quality articles, the key is visibility.
    2. Maintain a strong presence across platforms: It’s not enough to just show up. Your firm needs to be ranked in the top positions on these trusted sources to gain authority.
    3. Optimize for multiple search platforms: Don’t limit yourself to Google. By investing in AISO, you’re future-proofing your firm to appear on other emerging platforms like SearchGPT.

    AISO or SEO?

    If you have to pick one…

    Don’t. Or maybe rely on SEO for now.

    Why? As it stands in October 2024 ChatGPT is pulling a lot of live results from Bing. But when it provides results without a web search it will pull from its own knowledge.

    So if you are focused on visibility on one platform that should have a positive impact in the short term.

    But long term I think it’s safe to say its an area you should put some focus on today. Especially since we all know how hard it is to play “catch up” with internet marketing.

    A Future-Proof Strategy for Law Firms

    As we look ahead, it’s clear that the world of search is changing. The Department of Justice’s efforts to break up Google won’t make the tech giant disappear overnight, but the introduction of new AI-powered search platforms will certainly reduce Google’s dominance.

    SearchGPT and other LLMs represent a new frontier for law firm visibility, and those who invest in AISO will be positioned to dominate.

    When law firms hit a plateau in their growth, they realize what got them here won’t take them to the next level. At Juris Digital, we deliver elevated website, SEO, and content strategies – grounded in timeless marketing principles – to help firms attract better cases and continue growing.

    If you’re looking to see how you can leverage AISO and other digital marketing strategies to uplevel your firm, schedule a free consult with me Casey Meraz below. Please note that times are limited.

    Casey Meraz Casey Meraz is an entrepreneur, SEO expert, investor, creator, husband, father, friend, and CEO of Juris Digital. Casey is a frequent speaker at industry events and the author of two books on digital marketing, including "Local Marketing for Personal Injury Lawyers" and “How to Perform the Ultimate Local SEO Audit”
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