
    If you’re interested in a family law social media strategy, you’ve come to the right place. A successful strategy is not just about posting on TikTok.

    It’s not even about fancy posts or viral content.

    It’s about showing up as the guide who understands your clients’ problems.

    Be real, be helpful, and do it consistently.

    That’s how you turn followers into clients who trust you to lead them during their most difficult moments.

    The biggest problem most attorneys make with their social media strategies is treating social platforms like billboards instead of conversation spaces. They broadcast achievements and legal jargon, forgetting that their audience is looking for a guide through difficult times, not a trophy case.

    So now that you understand the approach we take here at Juris Digital let’s dive into crafting a social media strategy that will help turn your followers into your clients and brand advocates.

    Why Family Lawyers Need a Social Media Strategy

    As a family lawyer, you’re not just competing in legal battles – you’re fighting for attention in a digital UFC arena.

    You probably know that your clients are most likely to do business with people they either already know, whom they like, or who they trust.

    And incase you didn’t know – most consumers are subjected to over 700 marketing messages a day. Combine that with the fact there are so many ways people find lawyers nowadays. It’s not just Google or Bing, but your ideal clients could be typing a question into YouTube (the second largest search engine) or Tik Tok.

    Wherever they’re looking, your firm has a better chance of winning the business if you’re where they’re already looking. And Family Law Marketing is not as easy as it used to be.

    But here’s the good news: with the right social media strategy, you can turn likes and shares into consultations, clients, and cases.

    Think of social media as your digital handshake, a way to show families in crisis that you’re the guide they need. It’s not about boasting your legal prowess; it’s about connecting with people when they need you most.

    Now let’s dive into how you can create a social media presence that doesn’t just attract followers, but actually brings clients through your office door.

    Know Your Audience: The Key to Winning Cases (and Clients) Online

    Before you post a single tweet or share an Instagram story, you need to know who you’re talking to.

    Just like you wouldn’t use the same approach for every case, your social media strategy should be tailored to your ideal clients.

    Are you focusing on high-asset divorces?

    Or perhaps you specialize in adoption cases?

    Your audience might be anxious parents-to-be or professionals worried about protecting their assets.

    Spend time researching where these people hang out online. What kind of content do they engage with?

    What questions are they asking in forums or support groups? What information did they share with your firm during their case?

    Understanding your audience is like preparing for a case – the more you know, the better you can serve them. This knowledge will be the foundation of your entire social media strategy.

    Pro Tip: When we work with clients we will typically ask them to tell us about their best cases and the types of cases they want to sign more of. Use this information to help develop an ideal customer profile or ICP for your law firm. Check out their social media channels. What do they engage with? This is who you are creating the content for!

    Choosing Your Platforms: Where to Make Your Case Online

    Marketing is not free. There is either an investment of time or money (or both).

    You can’t be everywhere at once, just as you can’t be everything to everyone. So don’t get overwhelmed.

    Not all social media platforms are created equal, especially when it comes to family law.

    LinkedIn might be great for connecting with other professionals, but Facebook could be where your potential clients are sharing their struggles.

    Instagram can humanize your practice, while YouTube allows you to share in-depth explanations of complex family law issues.

    Tik Tok tends is a great way to waste hours of my time. Sorry I got distracted.

    Here is some updated information on demographics to help you figure out what the best platforms for you are:

    1. Facebook: With over 3 billion users, Facebook remains dominant, especially among adults aged 30 to 64. About 57% of users are male, and 43% are female.

      Family law firms targeting older adults, such as those dealing with divorce or child custody issues, can benefit from Facebook’s extensive reach and its robust advertising tools​(AI Customer Care)​.
    2. Instagram: This platform skews younger, with 60% of users under 34. The gender split is nearly even, with 51% male and 49% female.

      Lawyers specializing in areas like custody disputes or pre-nuptial agreements might find Instagram ideal for connecting with millennials and younger parents through engaging visual content like testimonials or family law tips​(Marketing Scoop)​.
    3. TikTok: TikTok has a much younger audience, with over 60% of users under 30. Women slightly outnumber men (56% female).

      If family lawyers want to reach younger audiences—perhaps people exploring co-parenting or seeking advice on domestic partnerships—TikTok’s short, engaging videos can be highly effective​(Marketing Scoop).
    4. LinkedIn: Though it is primarily a professional network, LinkedIn’s user base consists of 25-34 year-olds (58%). This platform may be useful for family lawyers focusing on high-net-worth divorces, estate planning, or business-related family law services​(Sprout Social)​.

    👀 ooh look the accidnt firm down the street just signed a high value serious injury case that should have gone to you. it doesn’t matter if you’re the better lawyer, if nobody can find you 🤷‍♂️ Reach out and schedule a free strategy session and audit.

    ♬ original sound – casey_meraz

    For most family lawyers, a combination of Tik Tok, Facebook, LinkedIn, and either Instagram or YouTube is a solid starting point.

    Remember, it’s better to excel on two platforms than to spread yourself thin across all of them. Choose the platforms where your ideal clients are most active and where you can consistently provide value.

    Think of each platform as a different courtroom – you need to adjust your approach to fit the environment.

    Your Firms Content Strategy: Building a Case for Your Expertise

    Now that you know where to find your audience, it’s time to give them a reason to trust you.

    Your content strategy is like your opening statement – it sets the tone for everything that follows.

    Start by creating a content calendar that balances educational posts, personal insights, and promotion.

    Pro Tip: If you’re hoping for organic viral lift you may be disappointed. Organic viewership on Facebook and Instagram may be under 3% of your followers! So if you’re looking for some visibility you may need an ad budget as well.

    Educational content might include explanations of common family law terms, updates on relevant legislation, or tips for navigating divorce proceedings.

    Personal insights could be behind-the-scenes looks at your practice or stories about why you became a family lawyer.

    Promotional content should be used sparingly – think of it as your closing argument, used only when you’ve already built a strong case for your expertise.

    Aim for an 80/20 split: 80% valuable, engaging content, and 20% promotion. Remember, every post is an opportunity to show potential clients that you understand their story and can help them write a better next chapter.

    Engaging Content Ideas: Bringing Family Law to Life

    In family law, you’re dealing with some of the most personal and emotional aspects of people’s lives. Your content should reflect that.

    Instead of dry legal explanations, think about how you can make family law relatable and understandable.

    Here is an example of me showcasing my VERY DRY humor.

    Create “Day in the Life” posts that show what it’s like to work with a family lawyer.

    Share success stories (with client permission, of course) that highlight how you’ve helped families through difficult times.

    Use infographics to break down complex legal processes into easy-to-understand steps. Napkin.ai is great for this!

    Consider creating a series of short videos answering common questions like “What should I expect in my first meeting with a divorce lawyer?” or “How is child custody determined?” The key is to create content that your audience finds genuinely helpful.

    When you do this consistently, you position yourself as a trusted guide in their legal journey.

    Building Your Brand: From Lawyer to Trusted Advisor

    Your personal brand is just as important as your legal expertise.

    Let me say that again.

    I think your personal brand is JUST AS IMPORTANT it not more than your legal expertise? Why? A lot of horrible attorneys get great cases simply because they’re better at marketing.

    Social media gives you the perfect platform to showcase not just what you know, but who you are.

    Start by defining your unique voice.

    Are you the compassionate counselor? The fierce advocate? The clear communicator of complex laws?

    Whatever it is, make sure it comes through in every post. Share your values and what drives you to practice family law.

    Maybe it’s a personal experience with adoption, or a passion for protecting children’s rights. Use storytelling to make these aspects of your brand come alive.

    For example, you could share a series of posts about why you became a family lawyer, each one revealing a bit more of your journey.

    Remember, people hire lawyers they like and trust. Your social media presence should make potential clients feel like they already know you before they ever set foot in your office.

    Paid Advertising: Amplifying Your Message

    Incase you missed it above… nobody will see you if you make a post on Facebook. (Again only like 3% of your followers will see you! They really restrict that because they like their ad $).

    While organic reach is important, paid social media advertising can significantly boost your visibility to potential clients.

    Think of it as renting a billboard in the busiest part of town, but one that only your ideal clients can see. Start by creating targeted ad campaigns based on demographics, interests, and behaviors relevant to family law clients.

    For instance, you might target ads to recently divorced individuals who might need help with child custody arrangements.

    Use compelling visuals and clear, empathetic messaging that speaks directly to your audience’s pain points. “Struggling with a complex divorce?

    We can help you protect what matters most.” Test different ad formats – carousel ads can be great for explaining a step-by-step legal process, while video ads can help you connect on a more personal level.

    Always include a clear call-to-action, like “Schedule a free consultation” or “Download our divorce checklist.” Remember, the goal isn’t just to get clicks, but to start meaningful conversations with potential clients.

    From Followers to Clients: Nurturing Leads on Social Media

    Getting followers is just the first step.

    The real challenge is turning those followers into clients.

    This is where many family lawyers stumble on social media.

    They forget that behind every like or comment is a real person potentially facing a difficult legal situation. Engage with your followers regularly. Yes, I mean actually talk and respond to them. Maybe you can even offer a Q&A session?

    Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in relevant discussions.

    Use direct messaging features to offer more personalized support (while being careful not to give specific legal advice online).

    Consider creating lead magnets – valuable resources like ebooks or checklists that followers can access in exchange for their email address.

    This allows you to continue the conversation off social media. Set up a system to follow up with these leads, perhaps with a series of helpful emails or an invitation to a free consultation.

    Remember, the journey from social media follower to client is a nurturing process. Your goal is to be the trusted guide they turn to when they’re ready to take legal action.

    Measuring Success: The Verdict on Your Social Media Efforts

    Just as you wouldn’t go into court without preparing your case, you shouldn’t run your social media strategy without measuring its effectiveness.

    Start by defining what success looks like for your practice. Is it a certain number of new client consultations each month? Increased brand awareness?

    More engagement on your posts? Once you’ve set your goals, use the analytics tools provided by each platform to track relevant metrics.

    Look at engagement rates, reach, and click-throughs to your website. Pay attention to which types of content perform best – this will help you refine your digital marketing strategy over time. But don’t just focus on the numbers. Look for qualitative feedback too.

    Are you getting more inquiries about your services? Are clients mentioning that they found you through social media?

    Remember, the ultimate measure of success is whether your social media efforts are bringing real paying clients through your door.

    Regularly review and adjust your strategy based on these insights. Social media is always evolving, and so should your approach.

    Ethical Considerations: Navigating the Fine Line

    As a family lawyer, you’re held to high ethical standards, and these extend to your social media presence.

    But that doesent mean you have to by dry and boring. It just means you need to follow a few more rules and guidelines than the rest of us.

    It’s crucial to maintain client confidentiality at all times.

    Never share identifiable details about cases or clients without explicit permission.

    Be cautious about engaging with clients or potential clients on social media – a seemingly innocent interaction could be construed as forming an attorney-client relationship.

    Avoid making any guarantees about case outcomes in your posts or ads. Instead, focus on educating and informing your audience.

    When sharing success stories, use generalized terms and always get written consent. Be aware of your state bar’s specific rules regarding attorney advertising on social media.

    Some states have strict guidelines about what you can and can’t say.

    Remember, your online presence is an extension of your professional practice. Approach it with the same level of care and ethical consideration you would any other aspect of your work. When in doubt, err on the side of caution. It’s better to be overly cautious than to risk ethical violations that could harm your practice and your clients.

    Overwhelmed? Need Some Help?

    Are you ready to transform your online presence into a powerful client-attraction system?

    At Juris Digital, we understand the unique challenges family lawyers face in the digital world.

    You’ve got the legal expertise, but navigating the ever-changing Tik Tok world of social media and digital marketing can feel like arguing a case without any precedent.

    That’s where we come in.

    We’re the guide that helps family lawyers like you create a cohesive digital marketing strategy that aligns your social media efforts with your overall business goals. Our team of experts will help you:

    1. Craft a compelling social media strategy that resonates with your ideal clients
    2. Create engaging content that positions you as the trusted expert in family law
    3. Integrate your social media efforts with your website, SEO, and paid advertising for maximum impact
    4. Implement systems to turn online engagement into real-world consultations and clients

    Don’t let another potential client scroll past your family law practice. Take the first step towards a more effective online presence today.

    Call Juris Digital now at (855) 593-6935 or fill out the quote form below and we will be happy to see how we can help you.

    During this 30-minute call, we’ll review your current online presence and provide actionable insights to help you start attracting more of the cases you want.

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