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    Email Marketing Tips
    How many emails sit in your inbox unread? How many emails do you instantly delete? If you’re like me, you probably dump dozens of emails in the trash bin every day. Email Marketing has been around for decades now, and it is still an incredibly powerful digital marketing tool for law firms if done correctly.

    Below Are 6 Tips For Getting More of Your Emails Read

    1 | Make Emails Click-Worthy

    Email Marketing TipsThe subject line is your best friend in this case. The subject line will determine if the email goes straight to the trash, or whether it is read and engaged with.

    The fact is… many people won’t ever open your email. So if the subject line is boring or not engaging it’s not going to do you any good. Make sure to start off any email with pertinent information as to why they should open it.

    Pro Tip: Adding Your Law Firm Name in the ‘From Name’ and adding ‘Preheader Text’ that correlates with your subject line, helps increase open rates.

    2 | Do NOT Rely On Images

    Images are important to convey a message or enhance the content visually. However, with email marketing it’s important to not rely on visual elements alone. Many people choose to block images from loading in their inbox, so you have to think through how to convey the same message quickly and effectively without images.

    3 | The Forgotten Alt Tag

    Always create an alt tag for every image even if there is only one in the marketing email. This will help ensure that if the images are blocked, the recipient can still read what the image was about.

    Make sure your ALT tags are descriptive of the image you’re showing. This will help visually impaired people understand what the images are about.

    4 | Segmenting + Personalization

    Email Marketing Segmenting and PersonalizationSegmenting your email lists will help you ensure that you send your subscribers only information that is relevant to the.. Personalization, which is simply adding their name in the subject line or highlighting legal services that interest the viewer, creates another layer of specificity through the email.

    5 | Keep The Email Consistent With Your Brand

    Your brand should be the first thing you think of when designing your email campaign or newsletter to send out. Your brand’s personality, colors, graphics, fonts and images should be implemented into your newsletter. Brand consistency creates a solid foundation for who you are and creates a bond between you and client.

    The correct way to implement this in your emails:

    1. Logo Placement: Place your logo in the top left or centered at the top of your email.
    2. Fonts: This is important because for the email to work across all email clients, you may not be able to use some of the fancy fonts used on your website or printed materials. So, in order to use the font, you will need to self-host the fonts in order for the email to read them, or use a simple font that you know will compliment your brand.
    3. Colors: Stick with brand colors!
    4. Images: If you decide to use images, make sure it can add meaning to your brand and support the content given in the email. If you don’t have an image that works, it’s best not to use any image at all.

    6 | Don’t Be Afraid To Be Human

    Email Marketing Don't Be Afraid To Be Human
    This is probably the [Most Important]. Be an actual human in your emails, and don’t fluff it up with marketing talk. It’s essential that law firms build relationships and trust with clients. Emails can help with this through strong, human messaging.

    How to be more human with your emails:

    1. End Your email with a specific person from the Law Firm
    2. Include A picture of that person
    3. Add a Signature to the email

    These three steps add a human person to the end of the email and shows that you took the time to let the reader know who you are and what your brand stands for.

    The best Attorney SEO companies will always encourage email newsletters as a way to consistently sign clients.

    Leann Pickard Leann Pickard serves as Chief Operations Officer at Juris Digital. After joining Juris in 2016, Leann held several positions within the organization before becoming COO — this experience led her to become a dynamic, versatile, and charismatic leader, championing next-level digital marketing practices. Leann combines her technical knowledge, entrepreneurial thinking, and passion for leadership to scale up operational success.
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